Friday, June 24, 2016

On Brexit

The British people have narrowly voted to regain their independence. I was surprised that they voted this way. I’m not surprised because I agreed with remaining, but because I have felt that the UK has been a socialist/liberal haven for long enough that their chains of bondage would never be undone. I’m happy to be wrong. Their escape was a narrow one. Future generations should appreciate how lucky they were to get out while they were able to.

Throughout history, there has been a portion of humanity who wishes to have someone lord over them. If this were not the case, we wouldn’t have had such large kingdoms created where a monarch or dictator of one kind or another, has kept a large group of people subservient to them in exchange for a little food and security. A large portion of the Old Testament of the bible is devoted to this. The Israelites doubted God and Moses in the desert and many lamented that they would have been better off in slavery back in Egypt where they at least had a bite to eat. These same Israelites, who after gaining their freedom and having a system of judges, demanded a king, and the Lord warned them. From the book of Samuel;

So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him. He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, “No! But there shall be a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” And when Samuel had heard all the words of the people, he repeated them in the ears of the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey their voice and make them a king.”

And a king the Lord gave them, and all the chains that came with it. Obviously, people have changed very little since ancient times. In more modern times, our own country made a choice about whether they wanted a king over them or not. In our case, we had enough of all the chains that came with having a king and we rebelled and cast our chains off and became free.

Very much like the scare-mongers of today in this Brexit vote, during the American Revolution, there were many who wished to remain loyal to the king. I have read before that the colonies were divided three ways. There was about a third who wanted independence. A third didn’t care, and a third wished to remain indentured to the king. Many of the very same arguments were made by those wishing to remain loyal to the crown that have been made by the Remain camp in this referendum. These colonial loyalists thought the world was going to end by our leaving the British Empire. Many of them went back home to England and fled to Canada.

With the benefit of hindsight, we now know that those who stayed did not suffer for long. In fact, America would go on to become the powerhouse that it is today, and it wouldn’t have done that had it remained chained to England. How different history would have been had we not gained independence and showed the world a different way to live.

The same thing will happen with a free United Kingdom. You don’t have to belong to the “global village” in order to be a part of the global community. In the village, you must do as others have decided for you. As an independent member of the community, you retain the freedom to make the correct choices that are best for you.

Who in their right mind would go to a doctor and allow someone else to make medical decisions for them? Who would accept legal counsel based upon what may be best for another party? Why then do we think it’s good to have others decide what’s best for the UK? Shouldn’t the UK be able to decide what’s best for itself?

This brings out the reality of the whole situation. This is all about globalism. This isn’t the sort of globalism where you learn to play nice with your neighbors. This is a form of globalism where you become part of a commune. Others decide what you get and what you give up. Others decide what you shall do and not do, all in the name of unity. How can we teach our daughters to be independent people on one hand, yet be anything but in our own government affairs? The buzz-word for this new form of globalism is called progressivism. It’s like an opium for the masses. Those who subscribe to it are either those who shall become lords over others, or those who are so intoxicated by its effects that they know not their own poor condition, like an opium addict. All these poor souls know is that it feels good. They grow dependent upon the drug of progressivism and get to the point that they can no longer care for themselves. They turn to the leaders to take care of them. All the while, the fruits of their labor are taken from them and their burdens are increased. This must be stopped at all costs.

Freedom comes with great challenges. The first of which is insecurity. In a free society, the people have the opportunity to fail. They also have the opportunity to succeed. This is the beauty of freedom. Under freedom, you have a choice. You have opportunity, real opportunity, to make something of yourself. You don’t need government to give you a hand up. Under freedom, you have the opportunity to do it yourself, and to take pride and profit from the toils of your work. Not everyone succeeds in a free society. What’s important is that there is at least opportunity.

I remember reading books on the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. Many slaves wandered around after the Civil War, lost, because they didn’t know how to live free. Many of them returned to their masters and continued on as share croppers. Many in the south punished the blacks with unfair Jim Crow laws, and kept the blacks in a new kind of slavery. I read that some slaves, especially those with benevolent masters, thought their life was better off under slavery than it was after they were freed because at least they had a roof over their heads and food on their table. Once they were freed, they no longer had those securities.

This being said, I doubt anyone would publicly declare today that the slaves were better under slavery than they were when freed? Instead, slavery is viewed in the eyes of those slaves who were treated cruelly. Slaves were property and many slaveholders treated their slaves as part of their families. Even in those cases, there are very few who would argue that it was better for these slaves to remain under the control of their masters instead of choosing freedom. Yet, in this Brexit situation, the progressive globalists are claiming that it’s better for the UK to keep their chains on because they have a benevolent master in Brussels. How can this be?

It’s because those who are most vocal about remaining in the EU are the new masters that lord over others. Take yourself back to Civil War America. Can you imagine many masters using the same arguments to discourage turning the slaves free? Many of the same arguments today could just as easily have been made then. Rarely does anyone in a position of lordship over another give it up easily. The Israelites didn’t have it easy leaving Egypt. They turned and went back into servitude and found themselves enslaved many times over the course of history. When we left England, we had to fight for independence not once, but twice. Finally, we are in a world where the progressive globalists have been creating a new world order for themselves as lords over the masses and they are not happy about Britain choosing to rule themselves.

In America, we see this in our own election. Globalists on both sides, democrat and republican are having fits and tantrums, beating the drums of fear, and name-calling, in order to stay in power. Hillary believes it takes a village. What she won’t tell you is that she’ll be it’s queen and you her servant. She will promise you a roof over your head and food on your table, but like the Lord warned Israel, it comes at a price. Several on the Republican side are part of this movement too. This is why we have witnessed so many Republicans appear to cave into the left in this country. It’s because they too wish to lord over others and they want to be rulers too. They scoff at the libertarian wing of the party who ask for the very same thing that our forefathers wanted, and that’s liberty. Britain just chose freedom and we should too.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Food for thought…..

Open border proponents, especially those who enjoy the influx of undocumented workers, like to complain that there are many jobs out there that Americans just won’t do. I call bullshit. The real story is that there may be a lot of jobs out there that Americans just won’t do ----- for the amount of money that the employer is willing to pay. If you pay anyone enough, you can get just about anything done. We have been told that this is how the free market works. These globalists like to tout free markets when it’s in their favor, but believe me, they could care less about it. All they care about is making the most profit that they can, at any price. If that means that American workers are idled and cheap foreign labor is brought in, so be it.

So what if the price of a cheeseburger goes up? Again, that’s the free market. Pay people a living wage and maybe they can afford that more expensive hamburger? I have never understood how American business leaders can justify paying so little to the American worker and expect them to have the ability to purchase their products? It seems to me that Americans are currently at a terrible disadvantage in the manufacturing sector. In China and Mexico, companies can utilize essentially a slave labor force. These companies like to tout how they pay more than what these employees made formerly, yet it’s still a substandard wage. All the while, these corporate titans and their financiers are living like kings and queens. If you were to take a third of their wealth and distribute it to the employees, especially those at the bottom, you’d raise their standard of living a lot, while allowing those at the top to remain filthy rich. How is this accomplished in a free market society?

As much as I hate to say it, you either regulate these companies or you don’t allow them to exist in the first place.  I am not a fan of corporate capitalism. I am all for small businesses. I’m all for anyone building their business as large as they personally can handle. I am not for corporations, which are so large that even government has a hard time regulating them. In fact, these corporations are so large that they can manipulate the government to the point that it no longer cares about it’s citizens because legislators are effectively being bought and sold. Just do a Google search for how many former legislators are now in the lobbying business. Hiring former politicians as lobbyists is just one way that these giant corporations control them. Paying gigantic speaking fees to politicians, publishing, then purchasing large quantities of a politician’s book is another. Most politicians write a book, get paid large money for it, and corporations purchase large lots of these books and then warehouse or destroy them. It’s modern day money laundering. It’s corruption at the highest level. If we didn’t allow corporations to exist, this sort of corruption wouldn’t be so rampant.

Socialism, which normally leads to communism, is not the answer either. In most socialist and communist societies, the people are not as free as they would be in an open capitalistic society, and they would not have as much incentive to work as hard as they could. I’m all for taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves. It should be the civic duty of a compassionate society. I’m also for us as a society to come together and provide for ourselves a common defense to threats, at home and abroad, education, legal matters, and healthcare. We should also provide for a common retirement fund for those who are elderly (Social Security) and means test it. Not everyone will have built a tidy nest egg for themselves, for whatever reason. Not everyone who fails to build wealth in life is in that position because they were lazy. Some yes, but luck plays a large part in doing well in life too.

There should be basic services, such as medical, legal, and education, and social insurance that prevents the elderly and disabled from destitution. In no way should this help be more than what someone could build for themselves working hard, but it should allow for basic living expenses with a little cushion.

There are two camps that are coming out of the political fog right now. It used to be a fight between the left and the right, conservatism and liberalism, but those battle lines hardly exist anymore. Now, mainly because of corporate corruption, we are seeing a great divide between globalists and nationalist. Yes, there are differences between left and right still, but both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump illustrated the nationalist movement that is starting to swell in America, nay, the world. Globalists on both the left and the right have been in lockstep, moving the world into a borderless planet, where the rich are rich and the poor are poor. The globalists can move their money around the planet with ease, exploit resources abroad without hindrance, and ultimately, rule the world.

The wealth and power hungry wolves will stop at nothing to create this new world order that they’ve sought since the end of WWII. The taste of blood is upon their lips and they have grown ravenous. They find it hard to hide their agenda anymore. Anyone who stands in their way is liable to be mowed down. They have purchased the world’s media to push their agenda and propaganda. They have created a society that is destitute, and dependent upon them for survival, even those who work hard. Hard work rarely gets you ahead in this world any longer, and that is due to the globalists who have made it so. They have heaped heavy burdens upon the backs of the middle class, creating enmity between the lower and middle classes while those at the top pay very little and watch Rome burn while they fiddle.

We are at a crossroads in this country. We are at a crossroads in the world. It’s one thing if globalism would have brought prosperity to the citizens of the world, but it hasn’t. It has spread pollution, destitution, and is a cancer on the whole world.

We must defeat the globalists now or forever be indentured to them. Technology is getting to be enough that the elite can watch and control every aspect of a person’s life from abroad. They can use drones, cameras, data tracking, and computers to keep people in line and in check. By removing money and making it electronic, they can control your access to food and other necessities. A cancer is something that keeps growing and running amok. This is globalism. Like a snake, it’s head must be severed.

A perfect world is one where there are multiple governments, people all over the world, free and governing themselves. Each country ought to take care of itself first, then share it’s excesses with the rest of the world. The world ought to keep other countries in check and agree to remain separate from one another. Think of AT&T or Standard Oil. It’s the same thing. Teddy Roosevelt busted them up as he saw the benefit of many smaller entities instead of one large one. That should be the approach the world takes to government. Checks and balances. You lose those checks and balances in a one world government.

Lest we forget....

For over two centuries, immigrants from all over the world have come to this country, escaping tyranny and poverty in their home countries. They came here, to America, the land of the free and they have prospered. Why then, do these descendants of those immigrants, want America to emulate those very countries that our ancestors left? Why do we turn to Europe and feel the need to be like them? Are we not better than that? Countless immigrants would have said yes, but sadly, this has been lost upon their children and successive generations.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thoughts on open borders.

I would like someone to explain to me the rationale behind open borders? Why is it that as a country, we should allow people to come and go as they please? The world is full of people who hate us and wish to do us harm. The world also is full of people who want to come here and be a productive part of our society.  An open border does not allow us to discern between the two. Donald Trump speaks of a wall that needs to be built, but a wall is generally impermeable, although, Trump has metaphorically described a big beautiful gate. I would like to think of the border more as a filter. A filter keeps the dirt out. This is what we need. Having an open border is like having a hole in a filter. A lot of good that does! You also can’t have just a portion of the border filtered as those who don’t respect our laws will just go for the holes. The entire border needs to be secured.

One thing that always needs to be kept in mind though is that a border designed to keep people out also keeps people in. Should we ever find ourselves in the grips of a tyrannical ruler, much like the communist countries of Europe and Asia, borders can force people to remain and not leave. The Berlin Wall comes to mind. This is why it is important that our constitution allows for anyone to be able to freely leave this country unless they are under indictment for a crime.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Trump is not a racist and is not sexist.

Donald Trump is taking a lot of heat lately for questioning a judge’s impartiality. People wonder how Trump can be so dumb as to walk into such a political quagmire. People say he should know better, but he doesn’t. Why is that?

His opponents would have us believe that Trump is a racist, and that’s why he says these things. Trump is actually the opposite of a racist. Trump actually sees others as being racist and he calls them out on it.

You see, Trump treats everyone the same. Look at Trump’s organization. He hires everyone. He does business with everyone. He’s supported everyone. Trump only sees one color, and that’s green. If Trump were a true racist, it would have come out long before he decided to run for president.

Trump doesn’t care if someone is Mexican, black, Asian, etc. He doesn’t care if they are male or female. Donald Trump is critical of everyone. EVERYBODY! When Trump refuses to use kid gloves on women or minorities, he is labeled a racist, but I have to ask you, isn’t it more racist to treat a minority differently because of said race? Wouldn’t it be more sexist if Trump treated women differently than men? I thought we were supposed to treat everyone the same? In reality, we are being told that treating minorities and women with preferential treatment is true equality. I took math. When you treat one side differently than the other, it is not equal. Equal means equal. That’s what Trump is doing, and now he’s taking heat for it.

There are a lot of other areas to pick bones with Trump. This whole racist and sexist argument doesn’t hold water with anyone who actually thinks about it. As far as deporting Mexicans, Trump will deport anyone here illegally, that means anyone, regardless of race. He pointed out Mexico because it’s that border where most illegals are pouring in. There is nothing wrong with protecting the border. If Canadians were entering our county en masse, I’m sure he would call them out too. One thing I’m sure of with Trump – he’s an equal opportunist. He calls it like he sees it and that doesn’t set well with his opponents – those who have made this country very unequal, all in the name of equality. Yes, he has opponents in the Republican party too, mainly because both parties are part of the problem. This isn’t a left vs. right thing as much as it’s an establishment vs. grass roots divide that exists today.

Trump is not sexist and he is not a racist.