Monday, May 16, 2016

Sad Truth……..

I was always taught that if you work hard, you can do anything in life.

That isn’t the case. If working hard really equated to wealth, happiness, and prosperity, there are a lot of people out there who should be wealthy, happy, and prosperous. In fact, a lot of hard working people out there are dirt poor and miserable.

On the other hand, there are a lot of lucky people out there who have worked very little and are wealthy, happy, and prosperous.

Moral of the story, you have to have luck on your side if you wish to get ahead in this world. Hard work alone doesn’t guarantee success.

Friday, May 13, 2016

We Europeans are still trying to force others to live our way.

Since Europeans started interacting with other societies, we’ve tried to force others to live our way. Those who didn’t live like us were considered savages. Look what we’ve done to China and Japan. Look at what the Spaniards did to South America? Look what we did with the American Indian. Yes, the European has a long history of trying to force others to live their way. It has caused some of the largest wars known to the history of mankind.

We’re still doing it today. While the European and American liberals decry the treatment of American Indians and others who have historically been oppressed, they themselves are trying to export their way of life on others who live differently.

They are trying to force atheism and secularism down the throats of those who prefer to live in theocracies. This has put us at odds with the Muslim faith more than anyone else at this point. Muslims see us as a threat to a way of life that they have known for nearly 1500 years.

I have seen television shows that have shown white women going into Indian and African communities, telling women that they don’t have to tolerate their husbands anymore, and these white women are loaning money to these black and Indian women so that they no longer need to depend on their husbands. Yes, we are breaking up families overseas in order to make these old fashioned, traditional societies more in the image of our modern society where it’s less about families, and more about individualism within the confines of socialism. Is it any wonder that we are hated in many parts of the world?

Why is it that we feel the need to go into traditional societies and play a hand in changing them into a society that resembles our own? Why do we think our problems are any better than the problems that they face under their current system? Who are we to judge which is better? In many Muslim countries, the focus in on God and the family. There is nothing wrong with this.

This is a very complicated issue, worthy of highly educated postulations by better educated men than me. The gist of my post here is that we ought to leave others alone and focus on our own problems. We should allow others to live differently from us, even if we don’t agree with it. That is their right. What we’re doing around the world today isn’t really all that much different than what Europeans have done to others for centuries. Live and let live.

A Dangerous Divide is Brewing.......

The last time America was this polarized, we were fighting over whether or not to allow slavery. The debate had to be settled by a civil war.

Now we are facing the same type of divide, over several issues. Should we be a socialist or free country? Do we allow abortion or not? Do we allow a death penalty or not? There are several other issues, and the divide between the two sides continues to grow.

I’m not advocating for another civil war, but it appears that anything short of war, we’re not going to resolve our issues and the divide will tear us apart. It already is.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My Advice to Trump

Now that you’re the presumptive Republican nominee, it’s time to unite the party. Not only do you need to unite the party, but you need to work on getting enough votes to win.

Even that isn’t enough. You will need a congress that will work with you. All you need to do is look at the rough time that Jessie Ventura had in Minnesota as governor. He fought the legislature all the time because they weren’t for him. You may run into some of the same problems.

That being said, what you need to do is tell your supporters that not only do they need to support you, but they need to support the down-ballot candidates too. They cannot expect anything to get done if they elect you to the presidency, but put Harry Reid and the democrats back in charge of the Senate. This is key. You need to support the down-ballot candidates whether they want your support or not because you are going to NEED them.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Holy Trinity as I understand it.

I have felt like the Holy Spirit has been with me all of my life. I believe the Holy Spirit to be the “working arm” of God the Father, and His son, Jesus.

We are told that the Father and the Son are one. Later, we are told that the Holy Spirit is in unity with the Father and Son. Three distinct entities, one God.

This baffles many, but it doesn’t baffle me. The bible also speaks about a husband and wife becoming one. The marriage between a husband and wife therefore is akin to the relationship that exists between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This doesn’t mean that a sexual relationship exists. That’s not what they mean by being “one”. Think of a child who asks her mother if she can have candy before supper. The mother says, “No”, and the child goes to her father. The father normally doesn’t care, but knowing the mother said no, he too says no. The father and mother are one.

In the case of the trinity, the three entities, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are in unity with one another. They are, however, three separate entities.