Thursday, September 24, 2015

My advice to Trump – Unfair Coverage

Mr. Trump,

Quit pointing out to people the unfair treatment that you are getting from certain reporters and Fox News. We get it. You can mention it, but don’t beat a dead horse. Your message should be that all of the other candidates, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders, are bought and paid for by special interests and you aren’t. You should pose the question, “If so and so were elected president, what are they going to do when their big donors come calling on favors?” This is what has been happening for may years and this is what the American public is sick of. You need to tap into that sentiment. We know the media is biased. Keep reminding that these other guys come with strings attached. You are “special interests” greatest nightmare. If you’re elected, they won’t have any favors to call on from you.

The Pope and Climate Change

The Pope has called upon all nations of the Earth to address climate change. The Holy Father has been lead astray by the hype lathered up by big corporations who have scientists in their pocket looking to make billions off of a scared populace. When I was a child in the 1980’s, the big scare was acid rain. Today, nobody speaks about acid rain. I don’t even hear anyone complain about smog anymore, although it still exists. In the 1970’s, Iron Eyes Cody, who wasn’t even a real Indian, did public service announcements about cleaning up our environment.

No, trying to take care of the environment isn’t good enough anymore. Who can argue about making sure we have clean air and clean water? No, it’s all about trying to change our climate now. According to these scientists (and let’s be real, not all scientists are claiming global warming, but the ones who are, are calling the one’s who aren’t, all sorts of nasty names), our temperatures are getting hotter, and it’s all our fault. According to these scientists, we humans can do something to slow the warming of our planet. For those of us who don’t buy into this whole “it’s entirely our fault that the planet is warming”, they have made a nice little ribbon to pin on our head. They call us “global warming skeptics” or “global warming deniers”, and some have called for us to be put to death!

I would like to take the Pope and any other global warming alarmist and bring them right here to Iowa. When I was in school, I had a class that explained why Iowa looked like it did. You see, we were covered in glaciers not once, but several times. These glaciers came down from the north, covered us up for a long time, then receded. Why did the glaciers recede? Because the climate warmed, that’s why, and this was long before the industrial revolution. Ah, but the global warming alarmists will tell us that it has never happened this fast before. How do they really know? They claim science tells them this, but this is the fun part, there’s no way to prove their science is 100% correct. Nobody was around back then to record how fast or slow things happened. You see, in order to believe what they tell us, you have to have faith that their science is correct. These are the same bunch of folks who tell us one year that eggs will kill us, and then tell us they are fine the next.

Here in Iowa, there are tremendous limestone deposits and in that limestone, there are uncountable numbers of fossils. These are mainly in the form of seashells and other aquatic looking fossils, meaning, we were once under water here in Iowa! Wow! Imagine that! So the earth was once MUCH warmer and Iowa was covered in water. So, knowing this, why are we even trying to change the climate when we know that it can be much warmer, or even much colder? We are still within the acceptable range in my book. Listen, I’m not advocating that we live the type of lifestyle where we just go ahead and pollute the earth. That’s like shitting in your own bed, but this whole fallacy of crying about climate change, and pinning it on our shirts as if we can make it warmer or colder at will is silly. Even giant meteors fell to earth and messed the climate up drastic enough that it supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs and here we are today. If we really were the ones screwing up our planet, then guess what? We’ll die off and the planet will go back to getting warm and cold all on its own like it has for ages and ages before we ever entered into the picture.

Here’s the deal. Why are certain creatures from the time of the dinosaurs still here? Why did certain creatures survive into our modern age? It’s because they were the best creatures at adapting, and some had a little luck on their side. This is what we need to be focusing on if the earth is truly warming and if we are truly facing rising oceans. We need to figure out a way that we are going to adapt instead of trying to change the climate. The reason that we aren’t focusing on adapting is because there is a political agenda that fits hand in glove with crying about climate change. It has everything to do with oppressing freedom and controlling mankind. If we buy into this whole notion that we are to blame for raising temperatures, then we accept the fact that we are guilty of doing something wrong. What happens to those who are guilty of doing wrong? They pay a price! What price is to be paid for raising the temperature of the planet? Higher prices across the board for all goods, and a reduction in the quality of life that we have been accustomed to living. Do you see why they are trying to get us to believe that it’s man-made global warming and not just something that has been happening for millennia? If we focused on adapting, then there would be no guilty parties and nobody would want to pay the price because they wouldn’t feel guilty.

Sadly, the Pope and many of you have fallen into this terrible trap. Your desire to live in a clean and healthy world has been twisted into a belief that you are guilty of hurting our planet. You are made to believe that you must pay for your transgression and it makes you angry towards those who seemingly don’t feel bad. It’s like seeing someone run a dog over and not care in your book. How dare these people not feel bad for hurting the planet? I get it, but you have been duped. Instead, the Pope and everyone else for that matter, needs to shift the focus from climate change back to where it belongs, on living on a clean planet, and protecting the environment, and learning how to adapt in an ever changing world. That’s something that almost everyone can rally around.

The Pope’s Plea – End the Death Penalty

Today the Pope addressed our congress and made a plea to end our death penalty. The problem with this is that in some circumstances, the death penalty is called for. Even Jehovah God gave his chosen people, the Israelites, circumstances that the death penalty was acceptable. The death penalty should not be used lightly. In cases where guilt cannot be determined 100%, it is better to air on the side of caution and sentence life in prison. Killing an innocent person is more than just a miscarriage of justice, it is a sin. No Christian society should allow for the possibility that an innocent person may lose their life. However, there are cases where evidence is such that there can be no doubt as to the person’s guilt or innocence. In those cases, where there is no doubt whatsoever, then the death penalty is appropriate, especially in cases where the person has a history of violence and rehabilitation has failed. In cases where people like this murder, kidnap, and rape, and there is no doubt to their guilt, punishment by death should be swift and humanely done. This is to protect society and maintain law and order while we await the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

My advice to Trump – Obama Birth Debate

Mr. Trump,
When asked about where Obama was born, you rightfully identify it as a trap. The correct response to reporters who ask this is to point out that after a lot of delay and opposition, the president presented a Hawaii short form birth certificate. If they press you further and ask if you trust or believe that birth certificate, you should tell them that it doesn’t matter at this point because Obama will be out of office soon and that the historians can take up that argument and fight about it from now on. Then, as you have been doing, shift to looking forward and addressing issues that matter to this upcoming election.