Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ben Kane's Photo Re-Touch

     I retouched the photo of Ben Kane. It was an old photo and I felt that all of the holes and scratches made it hard to concentrate on old Ben's features. I like sepia toning so I added sepia to the photo. I think it adds a level to the photo to help see the differences in light and dark. One thing I really screwed up on was his coat. Towards the end of his leeves are supposed to be these triangular shaped lines. I thought they were scratches at first and had them removed. They should be there. This was a fancy coat and he is wearing a fancy shirt. When I blew the picture up and cleaned it up some, I could see details of his shirt that you can't otherwise see. It's a pullover shirt with a button front. It buttons three quarters of the way down, so it must be a pullover shirt. There are three buttons at the bottom of his bow tie. There is some fancy lace design in his shirt that can be made out in places. I don't know what that loop is off of his bow tie, but it's meant to be there. I enhanced it a bit and it looks like a bit of cord. Carol told me that she got this from Florence Kane Busse and that this image was a tin type.