Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is it really insurance?

            Health insurance isn't really insurance after all, is it? Insurance is something that you purchase to mitigate the effects of a potential loss that you could not otherwise protect yourself from financially. When it comes to health care, we all will suffer an expense at some point. Some more than others. For some people, they are sick their entire lives. Others, they will only need it for checkups, exams, and possibly at the tail end of their lives. How can that be insurance then when you are almost guaranteed to collect something on your policy?

            This is why we should treat healthcare like we do education. We see to it that everyone pitches in and supports the schools. I have neighbors with no children and yet they pay taxes that go support the school system. I have long felt that we need to do the same when it comes to our healthcare. I would like to see us all pitch in and support a public health system that provides healthcare to all. For those who can afford it, they can purchase private insurance or go to a private doctor/hospital. Still, we all pay for the basic safety net for all – a service that every human being will need at one point in their life. Even though I homeschool my children, I still have to pay taxes to the public school. I have a right to run for school board and we do have some local control over our school. That’s how I’d like to see healthcare. It’s not a perfect system, but it’s better than what we have had or have now.

            Obama’s Obamacare attempted to create a system like this, but instead of being a public system like our schools, it’s quasi private. It forces everyone to pitch in financially by purchasing a policy from a private company, whether you feel your health dictates that you need "insurance" or not. You either pitch in and pool your money or pay a penalty. How is it that much different that the system that I am advocating?  Here's the difference; Insurance companies and other corporations are allowed to make a profit off of us under this system. We are a captive audience. How would you like to own a business that in effect has the backing of the United States Government forcing the general public to consume your product? Also keep in mind that a profit is money that is above and beyond the actual cost of operating. Our Obamacare premiums are going towards profit for fat cats sitting in leather chairs content that they have customers forced to purchase their product.

            Even though people screamed about it, Obama had it right when he ran for office the first time. We should not use a private system for healthcare. It should be public. It should allow people the freedom to seek services outside of the public side, yet require everyone to pitch in, the same as we do for schools. Healthcare should be controlled locally like schools are. Until we have this, healthcare will be a mess.