Saturday, June 7, 2014

An Observation

            I am slowly coming to realize that those who succeed in life are those who are well adapted for the society that they live in. I sit here and dwell on the “days of yore” and think to myself that I’d only be happy if things were the way they used to be. Well, they’re not. The ones who did well during the time period that I long for were forerunners in their time. I’m sure there were people back then who like me, weren’t happy with the way things were and they longed for the “days of yore” as well. The "days of yore" to them was their "yesterday". No matter the generation, there's always “yesterday”. In every generation, you will always have those who wish for yesterday. I’m one of them. Then there are those who adapt and do well in the time that they live. Someday, 50 years from now, there’ll be someone out there who will lament for the “days of yore” and it’ll be today that they long for.

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