Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cruz’s Tax Form is Nuts!

I’ve seen it before, but Cruz decided to tweet it out again today; Cruz wants you to believe that he will simplify the tax code to a point where it’ll all fit on a post card.

I could go into a really long diatribe about how nuts he is, but I’ll stick to two points that are irrefutable to prove that Cruz is a nutcase, preying upon people’s feelings, and not their brain.

1.      Nowhere on his postcard is there anything to write down any information regarding your children or the itemized tax deductions. These will require more paper than just a post card. How else will the IRS be able to verify that you correctly took the correct deductions or used your child credits correctly? You don’t on this form. I could say that I have 64 children and if this is the only form that I have to send in, then there is no way for the government to ensure that I don’t have that many kids, or that my former spouse didn’t claim those kids, etc. You just cannot use this postcard if you take itemized deductions or have children. This form is a fallacy! This leads me to point #2….

2.      Ted Cruz says he will abolish the IRS. He wants you to believe that he’s serious about this one. Just who the hell will you mail these postcards to? Who will collect the various other taxes that the government collects? The IRS deals in more than just income taxes. They are the collection arm for the US Treasury. The exception to this are Alcohol and Firearm taxes collected by the ATF and customs taxes collected by the Customs and Border Protection.

Ladies and gentleman, Ted Cruz is a nutcase. The more I watch him, the more he sounds like Bill Clinton with an R behind his name. Listen, I’m all for simplifying the tax code. I’m all for making the IRS kinder and gentler. I’m all for a smaller government – but don’t blow smoke up my ass about how you’re going to do it!

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